Name | lights() |
Examples |
![]() size(100, 100, P3D) background(0) noStroke() # Sets the default ambient # and directional light lights() translate(20, 50, 0) sphere(30) translate(60, 0, 0) sphere(30) def setup(): size(100, 100, P3D) background(0) noStroke() def draw(): # Include lights() at the beginning # of draw() to keep them persistent lights() translate(20, 50, 0) sphere(30) translate(60, 0, 0) sphere(30) |
Description | Sets the default ambient light, directional light, falloff, and specular values. The defaults are ambientLight(128, 128, 128) and directionalLight(128, 128, 128, 0, 0, -1), lightFalloff(1, 0, 0), and lightSpecular(0, 0, 0). Lights need to be included in the draw() to remain persistent in a looping program. Placing them in the setup() of a looping program will cause them to only have an effect the first time through the loop. |
Syntax | lights() |
Related |
ambientLight() directionalLight() pointLight() spotLight() |
Updated on Mon Sep 21 15:53:25 2020.
If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.

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