

numbers = [3.4, 3.6, 2, 0, 7.1]
sorted_numbers = sorted(numbers)
print(sorted_numbers) # Prints [0, 2, 3.4, 3.6, 7.1]

# original list left unchanged
print(numbers) # Prints [3.4, 3.6, 2, 0, 7.1]
animals = ["deer", "elephant", "bear", "aardvark", "cat"]
sorted_animals = sorted(animals)
print(sorted_animals) # Prints ['aardvark', 'bear', 'cat', 'deer', 'elephant']

# reverse=True reverses the order of the sort
rev_animals = sorted(animals, reverse=True)
print(rev_animals) # Prints ['elephant', 'deer', 'cat', 'bear', 'aardvark']

# sorted() lets you sort any iterable, not just lists!
word = "parabolas"
sorted_word = sorted(word)
print(sorted_word) # Prints ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's']
# sorted() is, by default, case insensitive
items = ["Abacus", "abacus", "Zwieback", "zwieback"]
sorted_items = sorted(items)
print(sorted_items) # Prints ['Abacus', 'Zwieback', 'abacus', 'zwieback']

# Pass your own function as an argument to sort() to apply a transformation to
# items before sorting
def case_insensitive(item):
  return item.lower()
sorted_items = sorted(items, key=case_insensitive)
print(sorted_items) # Prints ['Abacus', 'abacus', 'Zwieback', 'zwieback']

# sort list of strings by their length, using the built-in function len()
# as the key parameter
items = ["buffalo", "charcoal", "desk", "egg", "flask"]
sorted_items = sorted(items, key=len)
print(sorted_items) # Prints ['egg', 'desk', 'flask', 'buffalo', 'charcoal']

# You can use the "key" parameter and the "reverse" parameter in the same
# call to sort!
sorted_items = sorted(items, key=len, reverse=True)
print(sorted_items) # Prints ['charcoal', 'buffalo', 'flask', 'desk', 'egg']

Description Returns a sorted copy of the given list (or other iterable). Like the sort() method of the list object, it can take an optional key parameter to specify a function that should be evaluated for each item in the list before sorting that item. The optional parameter reverse, if set to True, causes sorted() to perform its sorting operation in reverse order.

The sorted() function differs from a list object's sort() method in two important ways. First, it returns a copy of the sorted list, leaving the original list intact (instead of sorting the list in-place). Second, sorted() works with any iterable (e.g., strings, tuples, dictionaries), not just lists.

For more information and examples, consult the Sorting Mini-HOWTO on the Python Wiki.
sorted(iterable, reverse=True)
sorted(iterable, key=fn)
listlist to sort
countint: number of elements to sort, starting from 0
Related .reverse()

Updated on Mon Sep 21 15:53:25 2020.

If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.