

base = height * 0.75
scalar = 0.8  # Different for each font
textSize(32)  # Set initial text size
a = textAscent() * scalar  # Calc ascent
line(0, base - a, width, base - a)
text("dp", 0, base)  # Draw text on baseline
textSize(64)  # Increase text size
a = textAscent() * scalar  # Recalc ascent
line(40, base - a, width, base - a)
text("dp", 40, base)  # Draw text on baseline
Description Returns ascent of the current font at its current size. This information is useful for determining the height of the font above the baseline. For example, adding the textAscent() and textDescent() values will give you the total height of the line.
Related textDescent()

Updated on Mon Sep 21 15:53:26 2020.

If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.